The contact point offers residents to call and report concerns about police issues such as anti-social behaviour and speeding traffic or council issues such as dog fouling or litter. It is based in a dedicated room at Wilsden Village Hall and is staffed by volunteers. It is operated by the parish council, who received a grant from Bradford Council to fund the equipping of the room at Wilsden Village Hall.
The contact point is used by the police for regular surgeries and when they are not in attendance it is staffed by volunteers who are trained and vetted by the police. It is open every Thursday from 1.30 to 4pm and every Saturday morning between 10:30am and 12noon. On a Saturday it is always staffed by a parish councillor, giving residents an opportunity to raise any council-related matters.
The contact point can be found at the bottom of the building (facing Firth Lane), adjacent to the lower hall.