Wilsden still needs You!
Throughout the Covid 19 pandemic we have had wonderful acts of neighbourliness and kindness taking place which have proved that Wilsden is a great place to live.
Have you felt the volunteering ‘feel-good’ glow ?
Now that we are facing our ‘new normal’ and shops and services are re-opening, we have a great need for volunteers to help to run some of these services.
The Albion Tearoom
We are looking to recruit volunteers for our Albion Tearoom which is open every Friday morning between 10:00am until 12:00pm at the village hall.
We hope to build a pool of volunteers so that people do not have to commit every Friday. If you are a people person, a team player, have good hygiene practices, reliable, and a good timekeeper and want to help out in the community and are interested in joining our small team, Please contact Kelley via
email: kelley@wilsdenvillagehall.co.uk. Thank You!
The following organisations are also looking for extra volunteers if you could help.
Wilsden library (Tuesdays only)
The Volunteer Car Scheme
Wilsden Community Post Office are all looking for extra volunteers.
Please contact:
Steph Ruthven (library): wilsdenlibrary@gmail.com
Peter Allison (car scheme/Post Office): 01535 273403